Learning two languages is a complicated task for children in early stage of speech development. As a general rule such children begin to speak later. The earlier a child immerses itself in a bilingual atmosphere, the more successfully it manages to master two languages. If a child begins to learn the second language before she is three years old, she does not mix these languages and learns them simultaneously.
Pre-school offers a multifaceted program with the elements of play and creative activities aimed at preparing children for the successful study at school.
The classes are held on Wednesdays. | |
Pre-School 5-6 years |
13:45 - 14:30 |
Rhythmics Yevgeniya D'Ottaviano |
14:35 - 15:20 |
Early years program Marina Kortmann |
15:35 - 16:20 |
Drama studio Elena Bessonova |
16:25 - 17:10 |
Late care Marina Kortmann |
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Russian language and speech development
A new stage of a child’s development starts at the age of 3-4 years. Words imitating sounds remain in the past and the child feels a need to broaden her language vocabulary. Time of questions comes. In the classroom children learn to distinguish the subjects by their appearance, to compare them by size, color, form, to remember their names.
By playing the children learn to compare their actions with the actions of others and to make them understood. Reading children’s stories, discussions of illustrations, playing sketches are inalienable parts of the lesson plan.

At the age of 4-5 years fine motor skills of children and creative thinking (imagination, fantasy) develop actively. A child enormously enjoys drawing with fingers and with various drawing tools: brush, cotton swab, pencils, chalks. Modeling from plasticine, clay, wax, doing small crafts with natural materials, making appliqués bring a lot of joy to children. Engaging in such activities supports creative thinking, develops fine motor skills and self-regulation. Apart from that children’s vocabulary extends and their self-esteem strengthens.

Recreational mathematics
The program for pre-schoolers focuses on shaping the early mathematical concepts, it develops an abstract and logical thinking and intelligence. In addition to the "classical" elements of mathematics, such as numbers, actions with them and figures, it contains puzzles, sums, riddles, brain-teasers, tricks, geometry with matches and experiments, selected depending from age, desires and inclinations of the child.
Children do not just get the answers to the questions "How much? What is more, and what is less? Why? How? Where ... from? What for? ", but they also learn how to find the answers by themselves. The knowledge gained here will also help children to study many other subjects in the ordinary public school.

In the music classroom your child will develop speech, an ear for music while singing- joining in a song as well as gross and fine motor skills. During such classes children will play in communication games (round dance, agile games with rules), will learn to play simple music instruments.
Musical development is very important for each child as first of all it affects the emotional sphere of a child. Positive emotions which children receive during education help them learn various subjects and develop physically and mentally better and quicker. This motivates them to continue learning the world around them. Thus children unnoticed learn to speak correctly.

The main purpose of the Rhythmic class is a comprehensive development of musicality and rhythm as well as creativity and auditory skills, improving motor skills, preparing children for choreography classes. During the Rhythmic class children are actively involved in transmission of the character of music, its tempo, dynamics, rhythm, and form. They are mobile, emotional, and receptive to music. Many concepts of the music theory are easier to understand through movement.
The program of the primary school is developed in such a way that it as far as possible corresponds to the level of school education in Russia. On the lessons the textbooks are used recommended in Russian schools and the materials are adapted to the particularities of bilingual children.
Classes are held on Wednesdays | ||||
School-2 7-8 years |
School-3 8-9 years |
School-5 10-11 years |
School-8 12-13 years |
13:45 - 14:30 |
Fine arts Marina Sedova |
Fine arts Marina Sedova |
Russian language - HSK Katsiaryna Vertal |
Russian language - HSK Aksana Nikitsenko |
14:35 - 15:20 |
Drama studio Elena Bessonova |
Drama studio Elena Bessonova |
Russian language - HSK Katsiaryna Vertal |
Russian language - HSK Aksana Nikitsenko |
15:35 - 16:20 |
Russian language - HSK Katsiaryna Vertal |
Russian language - HSK Aksana Nikitsenko |
Fine arts Marina Sedova |
Fine arts Marina Sedova |
16:25 - 17:10 |
Russian language - HSK Katsiaryna Vertal |
Russian language - HSK Aksana Nikitsenko |
Drama studio Elena Bessonova |
Drama studio Elena Bessonova |
Download the schedule for all classes
Trial lesson sign-up
Russian Language and Speech Development
The program of the Russian language for school children is aimed at developing reading skills, oral and written speech and is divided into different preparation levels of children:
First level
- developing oral skills;
- vocabulary enhancement;
- handwriting preparation;
- learning the alphabet;
- developing basic reading skills
Second level
- developing oral skills;
- further reading and writing skills;
- learning grammar rules
Third level
- improvement of grammar, speech and orthographic skills;
- further speech development, communication and analytical reading skills;
- development of creative activity skills in the Russian language

Мany scientists believe that drawing has a strong stimulating effect on children’s speech and cogitative activity. Particularly high emphasis is placed on the connection between drawing and thinking. The point is that drawing as a matter of fact is also the story told not by the means of words, but by various drawing tools. The images of the drawing and its bright color range affect the emotional sphere of children. The images which appear under brush or pencil give a child enormous pleasure. It is a common fact that each positive emotion increases the cerebral cortex tonus which eases the flow of association processes.
Drawing classes are divided into thematic blocks: over the course of several lessons children learn and improve various art techniques – ranging from graphic arts to painting, from gravure to animation.

Recreational mathematics
The program for pre-schoolers focuses on shaping the early mathematical concepts, it develops an abstract and logical thinking and intelligence. In addition to the "classical" elements of mathematics, such as numbers, actions with them and figures, it contains puzzles, sums, riddles, brain-teasers, tricks, geometry with matches and experiments, selected depending from age, desires and inclinations of the child.
The program for school children proceeds to the next level, where more complex mathematical elements, such as fractions, percentages relationships, geometric progression etc. are introduced in an entertaining manner. All of this is not included in the standard program in mathematics at primary school, but such tasks are present in the tests starting from the third year. Mathematical Olympiads Kangaroos (3rd-4th and 5th-6th grades) and an admission examination in mathematics to the gymnasium generally consist entirely of tasks of this type, which require not only the mathematical knowledge, but also keenness of wit and understanding of the logical relationships and patterns.

Rhythmic and choreography
In the Rhythmic and Choreography classroom children are immersed in the exciting world of dance and choreography, they learn to hear the music, to develop a sense of rhythm, flexibility and the ability to move to any music. In preparation for a dance children also develop attention and memory, improve coordination, develop good posture, strengthen muscles and vestibular system. A lot of attention is paid to the classroom improvisation and dramatic pieces that help to develop children's artistry, suppleness, self-confidence, ingenuity and imagination.

Theatre studio
Тheatre activity is an exhaustible source of feelings and emotional experiences. It enriches a child spiritually and it is the main tool of empathy development which is important for the organization of joint activity between children.
There are four main focus areas in the Theater classroom:Acting
Development of acting behavior, esthetic feeling, capability of creative approach to any activity, ability to communicate with peers, elder people in various life situations.
Development of natural psychomotor abilities of children, finding harmony between their own bodies and the outside world, development of freedom and expression of body movements with the help of complex rhythmic, musical, plastic games and exercises.
Speech culture and technique
The range of games and exercises aimed at the development of breath and vocal apparatus, vocal skills, the ability to possess the right articulation, accurate diction, various intonation and speech logic. Apart from this the following activities are integrated: word games that develop coherent speech, creative fantasy, ability to compose short stories and fairy-tales and to select simple rhymes.
Work on performance
Reading and staging fairy-tales, stories, preparing short performances; developing acting skills, ability to fantasize and improvise; enriching the vocabulary.